Gundry MD Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil  Review | Best Organic Olive Oil


Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil
Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil

We used different sources to cook our food, be it vegetable oil, butter, or the most common one, olive oil.

Different brands are selling olive oil on the market, which is made using different old extracting processes.

Have you ever noticed the ingredients section of those packed olive oils? Even though they claim to be organic, you will still find certain preservatives and chemicals present inside the bottle. 

Well, the case is not at all the same with Gundry MD Chef’s Select Olive Oil. It was developed by one of the most renowned physicians and surgeons in the United States of America, Dr. Steven Gundry. 

In this block, we will be looking into all the possible aspects of this particular product and also seeing how it is different from those present in the market. You will look into the formulation and also the experience of others who have been using this chef’s select olive oil.

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What is Gundry MD Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil?

Gundry MD Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil is the first cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil present in the market. It is best known for its benefits to our cardio and bone health. 

There are several benefits to the immune system, but you need to understand why chemical-free organic olive oil is important.

Some of the basic benefits are mentioned below:

  • One of the best sources of olives has been used while creating select organic olive oil so that you can get the purest form.
  • Like others on the market, it does not contain any kind of preservative or chemical. 
  • Exports say that it is one of the best kinds of organic cold-press olive oil present in the market.
  • It works on your immune system.
  • Organic olive oil by Gundry MD also benefits your skin health.
  • It is best for growing a baby, as it improves bone health and strengthens joints. 

What are the benefits of Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil?

There are several benefits to Gundry MD organic olive oil, and the most important one is that it is completely free from chemicals and preservatives. Some of the best olives from all across the world have been used to extract this extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil

If you look even at the ingredient list, you will find nothing but olive oils in the entire list. That’s where purity comes into play. The basic benefits are mentioned below:

  • The purest form of olive oil is cold-pressed olive oil, and it is best known for its immune system benefits.
  • It also works wonders for the skin.
  • The entire bone health process requires specific nutrition during the growth period, and olive oil fills that gap.
  • It also works on our cardiovascular health and promotes a healthy heart in the body.

*Every individual is unique. As such, your results may vary *

Who is Dr. Steven Gundry?

Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Steven Gundry

Dr. Steven Gundry is one of the most popular doctors, physicians, surgeons, authors, and researchers in the United States of America. Currently, he has been researching the effects of different diets on the human body. 

He has also created several supplements and formulations that have been working incredibly well on those problems.

Dr. Steven has also written several books that have been on the bestseller list and have also landed in some controversy. But despite all these troubles, the audience appreciated the content of the books that were written by him, which made them the best sellers.

He has also been giving some of the theories and techniques in the field of surgery that are still used and are quite helpful to young surgeons.

Now, coming back to Gundry Chef’s Select Olive Oil, we will be looking into its basic formulation.

What are the ingredients of Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil?

Chef’s Select Olive Oil Ingredients
Organic Olive Oil Ingredients

This is one of the most integral parts of any product that you’re purchasing: the ingredient list. If you look into other brands’ olive oil ingredient lists, you will find so many other ingredients used apart from olive oil itself.

But in the case of gundry organic olive oil, you want to find any other ingredient other than olive oil itself. The major role of this ingredient is mentioned below:

Organic olive oil

Organic olive oil
Organic olive oil

These are high antioxidants, which are very beneficial in terms of reducing stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases. They are also high in monounsaturated fats, which are responsible for lowering bad cholesterol levels in our body and ultimately help in providing healthy cardiovascular health.

Organic olive oil also has high anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce inflammation all over the body. Apart from this, replacing your regular edible oil with organic olive oil also helps in managing weight management issues that are connected to healthy fats. 

How do I use Gundry MD Chef’s Select Olive Oil?

You can use Gundry MD Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil like a regular cooking oil on a day-to-day basis. You can store it in airtight containers for a longer shelf life. 

Is Chef’s Select organic olive oil worth it?

One thing that I must say is that Chef’s Select Olive Oil is worth investing in from every point of view. It is the first cold-pressed olive oil on the market in its original and purest form. What else can you demand in this modern world, which is full of chemicals and preservatives in every product you purchase?

Gundry MD Organic Olive Oil Reviews 

It is important to understand what other people have experienced before involving anything in your day-to-day life. Nothing goes differently for Chef Select organic olive oil. That’s the only reason why we have collected some of the reviews for you so that you can decide better for yourself.

I drizzle this olive oil over almost everything! And, depending on what the food is, I also sometimes add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice along with it. It was so delicious! 


If money was no issue, I’d use tons of this all the time. I prefer the taste of this over the other olive oil that Dr. Gundry offers. While the other is good too, it takes some getting used to. Meanwhile, I use this one as a topper on just about everything. So grateful I’ve found out about this wonderful way of eating. For years I’ve followed a high protein diet because of my RA, but after reading his books & listening to podcasts because of my belly fat & ankle swelling, I am seeing real improvements in visibly reduced inflammation & smaller belly as well as more energy! So exciting to see my health improving in my late sixties! THANK YOU DR. GUNDRY!


Great product. Wish the can was larger. I use it so much!


Where can I get Gundry MD Chef’s Select Olive Oil? (and save up to 40% )

After talking so much about Chef’s Select Olive Oil, you must be willing to grab your hands on it. Well, we will not let you move around all over the internet for your purest organic olive oil. The steps are mentioned below:

  • Visit their official website.
  • Now search for Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil. 
  • Select the package according to your requirements.
  • Move to your cart.
  • Complete billing and shipping details. 
  • Finally, confirm your order.

Final Verdict

If you are someone who is searching for the purest organic olive oil, then this is something that you must be willing to have. It is not just organic olive oil with zero chemical preservatives but also one of the first cold-pressed olive oils on the market, which has been appreciated by experts.

Even if you look at the ingredients section, you will not find any of those harmful chemicals, which you can easily spot on other brands’ lists. So to have several benefits from olive oil in its purest form, Gundry MD Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil is the only one you must have.

Chef’s Select Organic Olive Oil

On the purchase of a 90-day supply (3 jars), you save $24.00, and on the purchase of a 180-day supply, you save $54.00

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